Irv Leavitt, your description is biased and untrue. I was there. Holding an American flag. And after a while I decided to push the cross walk button and walk across the street. I was wearing a mask and carrying the American flag. Peter and many others came with me. We got tired of standing and decided to walk in a square around the inte…
Irv Leavitt, your description is biased and untrue. I was there. Holding an American flag. And after a while I decided to push the cross walk button and walk across the street. I was wearing a mask and carrying the American flag. Peter and many others came with me. We got tired of standing and decided to walk in a square around the intersection. When we came to the corner with the sign and the women on their knees and fists in the air, you forgot to mention how they were blaring a horn and a police siren. You forgot to mention the people who tried to block me and others for walking on a public sidewalk carrying the American flag. You forgot to mention the so called “Peaceful” Anti-Trump, Pro-Biden protesters who repeatedly swore at me and my junior high son “F-ck You, F-ck You” over and over again. I was called a racist and a Nazi and other vile names. I was pushed and shoved and blocked from walking on a public sidewalk. And for what reason? Because I came out and practiced my first amendment right of free speech. And our group was more than just HS kids. There were many adults. And nobody had any goal or intention of damaging Lee’s political sign. I have to tell you Irv, I’m disappointed with you on this issue. You’ve written fairly about things I’ve been involved in in the past such as the Walmart proposal. But your version of reality was far from truthful. And they way that you wrote this article, explaining you’re being tipped off by Lee is all the evidence anyone needs. If you are going to report fairly and balanced then do it. Don’t pretend to do it with a wink, wink. And I will say again. I have a right to stand in support of any candidate. I have a right to carry the American flag. I have a right to walk down a public sidewalk carrying that flag. And you have the right to a different opinion then mine. But you don’t have the right to make up your own narrative and add or subtract your own facts as you see fit.
Irv Leavitt, your description is biased and untrue. I was there. Holding an American flag. And after a while I decided to push the cross walk button and walk across the street. I was wearing a mask and carrying the American flag. Peter and many others came with me. We got tired of standing and decided to walk in a square around the intersection. When we came to the corner with the sign and the women on their knees and fists in the air, you forgot to mention how they were blaring a horn and a police siren. You forgot to mention the people who tried to block me and others for walking on a public sidewalk carrying the American flag. You forgot to mention the so called “Peaceful” Anti-Trump, Pro-Biden protesters who repeatedly swore at me and my junior high son “F-ck You, F-ck You” over and over again. I was called a racist and a Nazi and other vile names. I was pushed and shoved and blocked from walking on a public sidewalk. And for what reason? Because I came out and practiced my first amendment right of free speech. And our group was more than just HS kids. There were many adults. And nobody had any goal or intention of damaging Lee’s political sign. I have to tell you Irv, I’m disappointed with you on this issue. You’ve written fairly about things I’ve been involved in in the past such as the Walmart proposal. But your version of reality was far from truthful. And they way that you wrote this article, explaining you’re being tipped off by Lee is all the evidence anyone needs. If you are going to report fairly and balanced then do it. Don’t pretend to do it with a wink, wink. And I will say again. I have a right to stand in support of any candidate. I have a right to carry the American flag. I have a right to walk down a public sidewalk carrying that flag. And you have the right to a different opinion then mine. But you don’t have the right to make up your own narrative and add or subtract your own facts as you see fit.